It’s a beautiful rainy morning and I have not slept since I woke up around 12 o'clock for an emergency. Feeling not a bit sleepy (for I slept a lot since afternoon till then), I was all fresh to have my night spent by continuing attentively my reading of the novel by Anne Bronte; I have just finished it. I'm so excited at the happy ending of the novel after going through so much distresses and ups and downs being accompanied with the characters themselves. Anne Bronte finished it well, bless her, for if she had closed it with sorrows of the two lovers I wouldn’t forgive her for a world!
I am going to take another novel to read, I have bought some fine ones last year at that international exhibition, among which I have only read this just- finished-novel "The Tennant of Wildfell Hall". I love reading novels, since it gives me, beside a pleasure, a better view and understanding of the world and helps me to decide better and wiser for every steps I am about to…. I don’t need to say that it improves my English as well. Well, I have these unread novels available: "To The Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf, "Hard Times" and "A Tale of Two Cities" both by Charles Dickens and to my friends' great surprise and greater mockery "Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. I don’t care what other might think but I just love to read it in English though I have watched the cartoon a hundred times when I was a kid. People can say any thing but fortunately they have a little influence on my own taste of pleasure! I will let you know which I choose when I could finally do.
But you know, after 3 years, yahoo has gradually lost its color to me; for, frankly, most of the people in chat rooms are not very decent and obliged to principle and politeness. I had met all kind of people on yahoo: some were not my type or were very boring, some were very insulting, some often thought themselves free of any boundaries and allow themselves to ask any indecent proposals which here I'm ashamed of mentioning. But yet I tolerated it all for I knew I was learning a lot. I did meet some good people like Kevin, Brandy, Dakoda, mamabear, grumpy(Cory); but since I have got my web log I scarcely open my Yahoo and its been long I haven’t talked to them.
I like web log better for its peaceful, personal or even poetic environment. Here people don’t intend to insult. Here the connection seems so innocent. Web logs are all about feelings and thoughts, about diaries, and about different stories of humanities around the world. I love writing my own feeling and thoughts where all people can read and give me feed back. My web log satisfies my need of having some one to talk. It’s also a great chance for writing in English and learning new words. But the problem is that writing is a mute practice. It's all with my mind to create and my fingers to type and that’s all. I never utter nor hear a single word. While in chat rooms I could talk and listen to what native speakers say. If it wasn’t for me being so aggravated by the sexy and dirty talks of many idles and pucks on yahoo, I would still use it as a laboratory. Now I really am thinking of another way of practicing my speaking if possible with native speakers. If anyone has got any idea please do let me know.
My God, I have a terrible headache. I guess I'd better leave the computer and rest my eyes for a while.
Feb 8th
About the novel "The adventures of Huckle berryfinn & Tom Sawyer", I,too,have that novel but it's not finished yet.So don't feel ashamed of reading that a-hundred-time-seen-in-cartoon-and-film novel.
I have a couple of classmates at the university who are native speakers,either British or American English.Yet, we are at the same level.So don't worry about your English.It's already excellent.
bye see you in the afternoon