It's 2 am…
Not feeling sleepy…
Yasamin Zahra is kicking, stretching, and turning in her little room.
She hasn’t decided to come yet!
And I'm waiting and waiting….
My due time is this coming Sunday but the doctor says if it doesn’t happen, we can wait for another one week. God, I don’t wanna wait any longer. The last 8 months passed in a twinkle of an eye, but this last month is not getting over at all. Every day of it seems like a week!!!
Everything is ready for her to come: her room, her bed, the toys and all. Wish she comes in time.
Oh, I've done the spring cleaning of the house!!! Well, I didn’t actually do it myself. I hired someone to do all the work. The house is shining like the bright sun now! I know it was a bit early to do so, but I wanted everything done and ready before the birth giving.
By the way I have two pieces of news haven’t been reported yet:
1: The first is that my brother has got engaged 4 months ago. His fiancée is such a good girl from a good family. And the most important part is that my sister-in-law and I are getting along so well. So, no need to worry about that!
Isn’t that so great that we are actually having an ordinary life like other people, FINALLY?
Happy Valentine,
A waiting mother,
Day by day I'm getting closer and closer to a new chapter of my life, to the best part of my book, the chapter of motherhood! Who could have ever thought I could be a mom too?!! A lonely girl who always wanted to cross the longest roads of never-reached dreams, is now a mother, or better say a mother-to-be. How can this girl make another creature's dreams come true while her dreams are disappearing in horizon?? They are all gone: her loneliness, her doubts and fears, her wishes and dreams, and…
I'm not sad at all. On the contrary I'm happy. I'm very very happy to be a mom. There was a time when I used to ask God to give me joy, to show me the right way; And now He has. It's been 8 months and half that He has given me all I wanted from Him. I never ask him to give me a baby. But He knew what the best was for me. He knew what could fill the emptiness inside me; He knew what could make me happy the most. He knew it all and He knew me, that's why He gave me this baby. He knew me better than I could have ever known myself! He gave me this baby to change my life, to tell me there are more important things in reality than drowsing in allusions. He showed me the real reality, he showed me the real ME, the real Narcis, or Narcis in her best, which is Narcis being a mother. So I have it because my lord loves me, because it was time for me to wake up, to grow up and to reach Him. And I love this little creature, not because its mine, but because it's from him: A precious gift!
It’s a baby girl and we are going to name her "yasamin zahra". She is our baby, my little girl, my lovely princess, and the fruit of our love: a little bit of me, a little bit of him!
A mother-to-be