It's been nine days that I haven't written a single word in my web log. I haven’t been idle though; I have been busy (and I mean really busy) with spring cleaning. My goodness the past nine days have been the busiest days of my life. I swear Id never worked so hard nor felt so responsible to the housework much that I did in the past nine days. I would wake up early like five or six in the morning and would wash, scrub, clean and dust, and it would continue till night around eight or nine that I would faint dead
! Phew hard job girl! Well, it's not all done though. I still have to disinfect and clean the bathroom and toilet and oh the yard really needs to be scrubbed. Well, I could have done them in the past two days but I've been busy with filigree working on this wedding dress of my cousin in-law, whose wedding is due Friday. I guess the dress will be done tomorrow. So, I can do the rest of my cleaning on Tuesday. This cousin in-law has come to my house the past two days and helped me working on her dress. See what I told her today:
Me: you're free on Tuesday?
Her: yeah, why?
Me: great. Then you are coming here on Tuesday to help me finish my cleaning! We will clean the bathroom and toilet and scrub the yard and will have fun
Her: hmm…well…you know, I've just remembered I have a backache!
Me: doesn’t matter, you are still coming! You know that I'm doing you a huge favor here and if you
Her: okkkk, I was just kidding. You know that I will help you
Me: I know you will, you have no other way.
So everything is going fine, except things between me and hubby. Finally, his unbelievable laziness in cleaning has done its job pretty well that we have not been on speaking terms since Friday. It's not that we don’t talk at all. We do talk on some occasion but very coldly
. I believe it was all his fault for he broke my heart when I asked him to help me washing the yard on Friday evening (it was very cold) and he just said he didn’t like doing it and left me so cruelly
. So I talked to him so angrily (or some how rudely
) and he said I'd be punished well if he does not talk to me for a week and I answered I would be happy if I don’t see him for a week so him not talking to me is no punishment but a great relief to me and its was how it happened
. I don’t feel guilty about it at all because I haven’t done any thing bad. On the contrary, I think he has to apologize for his entire cruelty originating from his laziness. Well, maybe I got a bit furious and talked harshly to him but if he had helped me, none of this would happen. So I conclude that what I did served him right
It's 1 am and my eyes are half closed. I have to wake up early in the morning. So nighty-night
Feeling good,
March 19th
I was a bit late checking your blog cause i've just got my pc back home after installling a new windows yet there is no such phrase in English equivalent to "khaste
nabashid " in farsi so let's stick to our mother tongue
I wish i could see you before the new year but guess it's impossible you know everyone is as busy as a bee these last left days
anyway wish you a really really happy and succussful new year
hope you can make the best out of your holidays
one more thing
we i mean my family and i are leaving for shiraz on the 9th day of the new year
i'm really lokking forward to this trip cause i really need it to refresh and get rid of all those past routine days
Sallam aziz.manam reza bebakhsh ke ye modat sar nazadam.azat mamnonam chon mano be zendegi bargardondi.age chand sal bozorgtar bodam miomadam khastgarid.(bebakhshida)ey kash beshe bebinamet.montazer javabet hastam
lol, reza im afraid it can never happen. but im happy that i could help u and that u r feeling better now