It's just a quickie:
Off or On?
Things randomly go up and down between me and hubby. Not a single day goes by without an argument. What's wrong, I have no clues. Maybeà I'm being so sensitive and he's being so tough on me. When we are on, it's really fine. But well…when off, things go wrong! I may shout, scream, or…well…break things too
My goodness, since the first day of New Year I've been busy like hell. No time to breath. I had some guests for dinner on the first day of noruz (New Year). And yesterday hubby and I visited some relatives as it is a tradition to do so in the first days of noruz.
This whole week I'll be in weddings and parties every day! Today was the start. In the afternoon, I was invited to "bardehi" party of my neighbor's daughter whose engagement party is tomorrow. Then tonight it was "hana bandan" party of my cousin in-law, whose wedding dress I worked on. And tomorrow it is this cousin in-law's wedding and tomorrow night is the engagement party. On Sunday ill be in "hana bandan" party of my own cousin (dad's sister's daughter). And on Monday it's my friend's wedding (Maryam, the one I did my project with). Finally on Tuesday it's my cousin's wedding and after that I guess I can rest.
Gotta go, it's 2:10 am. I have to sleep, tomorrow is the wedding, I don’t wanna be there with puffy eyes.
It's just narcis
March 24th
سلام گلم
سال نو مبارک
سال خوبی داشته باشی سرشار از موفقیت و سلامتی و ....
گلم بله تبریک گفته بودی ... مرسی از لطفت
راستی منظورت از اینکه بوی بابا تو میداد چی بود ؟ !
salam mamnoon ke javab dadi
yejooraiy hads zadam amma motmaen naboodam
shohada shojatarin boodand ......................
سلام عزیزم خوبی
سال نو تون مبارک صد سال به این سال ها
من آپ کردم خوش حال می شم که بیاین پیشم
شاد باشی گلم
با صمیمانه ترین دورد ها
دنیا را برایت شاد شاد و شادی را برایت دنیا دنیا خواهانم
من از شمالم ... از کناره های آبی .. از کنار تو .... بابلسر