Dear Lord,
I feel so lonely. I need your help; I need your love to be saved or I'll go straight to Hell. It's so hard to resist the temptations. My sever loneliness is becoming a nightmare for me.
Set me free of this pain, of this loneliness, of my crazy thoughts. I'm fighting so hard with me. I don’t want to do some thing you don’t like. But I'm losing my sanity, my faith, my chastity, and I'm losing me.
I know you have given me things more than I deserve. But I can't feel grateful about them. Why is that?
Why can't he shower me with love so that I don’t suffer much? Is it a test of yours that he doesn’t give me love as much as I need? Oh lord, it's not fair. It's so hard for me; it's more than I can endure. Please help me out. My mind is heavy with crazy thoughts. My heart is thirsty of love. My eyes fill up with tears and my heart breaks so badly when I can't relinquish its thirst.
Dad, how could you do this to me? How could you leave me? How could you be so far away from me and so close to sky? How can you see me suffer so much?
I miss you. Isn’t it funny I miss someone I don’t even remember? Isn’t it ridiculous that I crave for some one's arms that were never open and warm for me? Isn’t it absurd that I always turn to you when I feel I need a man's love and emotional support? Yes, indeed it is. Well, my life is a ridiculous joke.
I forgive you for what you did to me, for the spot your loss dug into my heart. You, too, forgive me if I lost me so that we are even!
A little left of my patience,
سلام دوست خوبم
خیلی خوشم اومد شما هم مثه من به زبان اینگلیسی حرف میزنید
من وبلاگ شما رو لینک قرار دادم تا سر فرصت بخونم پست هاتون رو
سلام عزیزم
حالت چطوره؟ فرزندت چطوره؟
خداوند مهربان است و همیشه مهر و محبتش را روانه ما می کند مگر آنکه خودمان به زور نخواهیم که در این صورت هم باز مهرش (الرحمان) شامل حال همه می شود. درد و دلی که در بخشی از پستت با خدا داشتی من و یاد حرف های خودم انداخت. همه ناراحتی ها با وجود خدا رفع میشه می دونم سخته اما اگر معرفت داشته باشیم سهل می گردد. امیدورام نظرم بی ربط به پستت نباشد! راستی دعای ابوحمزه ثمالی فوق العاده است هدیه ای از جانب امام سجاد (ع).
شاد و سلامت باشید. التماس دعا.